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For canyoning lovers there are two gorges here: Tsoutsouras and Troulla. Both have torrents that flood during the winter and spring and are dry in the summer and autumn. Tsoutsouras Gorge is approximately 1.5km long; it is located in Tsoutsouras and is one of the many rough gorges of the area. The trail starts at Sfakias location and its exit is near the village, at Larinaki location, where the rock formations are very impressive.

A few metres to the west of Tsoutsouras Gorge the smaller Tsoutsouraki Gorge extends forward like a narrow cut into the hard rocks. Its entrance is a short distance to the west of the impressive Troulla of Tsoutsouras, at Meli Lakos location (the area, literally ‘honey pit, produces a fair amount of honey) and its exit is in the Staoussa district, just outside the village.

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