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Er(i)ma Anogeia (‘Desolate Highlands’) (Armanogeia), according to S. Alexiou’s etymology, lies in the middle zone of the Municipality. It is known for its rich musical tradition, since numerous lyre players and rhyme poets–mantinades makers, who are excellent users of the Cretan patois, have been born here. Locals love music and have a special aptitude for mantinades (local improvised two-line rhyming verses), lyre-playing and dancing.

The plains of the broader region are fertile and locals produce wine, raisins and olive oil as well as animal products. An important project for Armanogeia and the broader region, is the construction of the dam for the irrigation of crops. The dam has already become a wonderful wetland appealing to migratory and small birds that arrive here in their hundreds. If you are a bird watcher, you can combine your visit here with a visit to Damania Lake.

Very close to the dam region there are discernible ruins from the Roman and Byzantine Periods.  

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