Nearest hamlet: Tsoutsouras

Entrance coordinates: 034ο 59.884Ν / 025ο 17.584Ε / 263 el.

Exit coordinates: 034ο 59.395 Ν / 025ο 17.709 Ε / 7 el.

Average canyon crossing time – canyoning (calculated for 4 experienced individuals): 2 h

Difficulty level (the level of difficulty is calculated on a scale of 1 to 6): 

Longer descent: 32m. 

Total number of descents: 13

Duration of hike from the stop point to the entrance of the gorge: 20min 

Duration of the hike from the exit point of the gorge to the parking area: 10min 

Entrance-exit distance (in km by car): 6.6km

Appropriate period: Year-round 

Recommended period: Winter, Spring

Amenities: Cafés, taverns and lodgings in Tsoutsouras.

This is the shortest gorge in the Asterousia (approximate length 1.5km).

In its first part, it is open and features a hiking path. After the middle it becomes precipitous and narrow, with longer descents and beautiful rock formations up until its exit. It is crossed by water from December to the end of spring and is easily traversed year-round. Right before its end (before the hamlet’s exit to Keratokampos), you can choose the left path to avoid a part with rich vegetation and small descents.

  Download the kml file of the route in your device:  (kml) Tsoutsouras gorge

Tsoutsouras and Troulas gorge

For canyoning lovers there are two gorges here: Tsoutsouras and Troulla. Both have torrents that flood during the winter and spring and are dry in the summer and autumn. Tsoutsouras Gorge is approximately 1.5km long; it is located in Tsoutsouras and is one of the many rough gorges of the area. The trail starts at Sfakias location and its exit is near the village, at Larinaki location, where the rock formations are very impressive.

A few metres to the west of Tsoutsouras Gorge the smaller Tsoutsouraki Gorge extends forward like a narrow cut into the hard rocks. Its entrance is a short distance to the west of the impressive Troulla of Tsoutsouras, at Meli Lakos location (the area, literally ‘honey pit, produces a fair amount of honey) and its exit is in the Staoussa district, just outside the village.